What is Content Writing?
Content writing is the process of planning, writing, editing and publishing the content online.
Content writing includes blog posts, emails, articles, guest posts, product details, product reviews, podcast scripts, video scripts, eBooks or a book.
Content Marketing drives attention of the consumer to the product or service of a business.
You are in whatever business, to sell your product effectively you need content for it.
In this Digital Era, your targeted customer is present online. To attract them to your product or service you need to have content as an attraction.

Why Is Proper Content Writing important?
Most people think that Content Writing is writing articles. But this is not true in this era and world. Content Writing covers all the digital formats to attract the attention of the consumer.
So, content writing includes
- Blog Posts
- Podcast scripts
- Video scripts
- Email newsletter
- Titles
- Landing Pages
- Social Media Ads Headlines
- YouTube Video Descriptions
- Social Media posts
So, whatever information you are consuming Online, all comes under Content Writing.
So, Proper Content on a Proper Platform is important nowadays.
Why Content Writing is Important?
Or I can say What is the importance of Content Writing?
Look, for selling your product or service you need to grab the attention of your targeted audience.
For gaining the attention of the targeted audience you need to have good content.
Because Content grabs the attention of your prospects.
For quality and good content, businesses hire content writers to create content for their products and services.
The CATT Funnel
If you know the CATT funnel then you sell your product very easily.
My mentor Digital Deepak use to teach us that
Wealth = n^ CATT

i.e., Your wealth is equal to n to the power of CATT.
Now, what is this CATT funnel?
“n” stands for NICHE
“C” stands for Content
“A” stands for ATTENTION
“T” stands for TRUST and
“T” stands for TRANSACTION.
So, for Attention you need Content, and for building Trust also you need Content, and last for Transactions also you need Content.
3 types of Content
Many of us think that Content is created only in text format. But this is not Correct.
As I discussed, every piece of information you consume online is Content
So, the types of Content are
- Text Content
- Audio Content
- Video Content
Anything you are reading or listening to is a form of content.
Which is the Best Form of Content?
Look, this is not the simple question you are searching on Google. It depends on your NICHE and your Customer Avatar.
The Best form and platform of Content is the NICHE you are in and the place where your dream customer is hanging out.
Suppose, your dream customer is hanging out on youtube, then the best form of Content is VIDEO.
If your dream customer is hanging out on Social media, then the best form of Content is Visual (either image or video)
If your dream customer loves to read, then your best form of Content is Blog Posts.
So, the Best Content is what your NICHE is and What your Prospect love to consume.
What does a Content Writer do?
As discussed above, in digital marketing Content Writing is a broad term, which covers Text-based content, audio and video content. Now the question arises What does a Content Writer really do?
Roles of Content Writers
So, as there is a vast field of Content Writing. Different content writers are specialized in different roles.
Grabbing Attention
Some content writers focus on grabbing attention to the product or services. So, they write SEO-friendly and attractive content which attracts the attention of the audience to the website.
So, they research and write quality content that ranks on Google Search Engine and others.
Building Trust
On the other hand, there are content writers, who write email marketing content, and they follow up the leads with quality content.
So, this type of quality follows up email or newsletter will build the trust of the company. Ultimately, it builds trust in the lead, and it will become the buying customer.
At the same time, these quality email writers make the buying customer do recurring purchases.
The basic role of the Content Writer is to understand the target audience of the client to him he is writing the content.
5 Amazing tasks a Content Writer is Responsible to include
1. Keyword research:
The good Content writers or the best ones research the keywords on their topic.
Keyword research is the process of finding the search terms users use to find or solve their queries on Search Engines, and analyzing those keywords.
So, Keyword research is very important for ranking your article on Google Search Engine.
2. Content Strategy:
A Content Writer also strategizes the content i.e., what type of content is good for the client? What type of content should he write? Whether the blog post, newsletter, social media post or email. This strategizing of Content is also done by Content Writers.
3. Content Production:
The most important work or I would say the basic work of the Content Writer is Producing Content( writing content). So, after keyword research and Content Strategy, a Content Writer has to produce quality content.
4. Proofreading:
Proofreading and editing are also done by the content writers. Basically, there is another team dedicated to editing and proofreading but a content writer can also provide this service for the client.
5. Publishing:
After producing the content, a content writer has to publish the content. Publishing Content may be scheduling the content to post on the WordPress website or Social media at the appropriate time.
How to Start Writing a Content?
It all starts from a thought. Think deep in Your NICHE and your content will start from your thought.
Look, I thought about Content Writing and did my research on it. So, the starting point of Content Writing is your thought.
The thought converts into conversation or research.
Whenever an idea hits your mind, you will discuss it with your friend or you Google it.
So, this idea or thought converts into your conversation or research.
Then this research becomes notes.
It is important for the Content writer to make notes of the takeaways from his research.
I Am Not Good at Writing?
The most important thing is to overcome the RESISTANCE to becoming a good writer.
One of the biggest enemies of yours is I AM NOT GOOD AT …
No one is good at anything in the beginning. You might be riding a bike, but in the beginning, you were afraid of holding the handle of your bike. But as time goes by, you started riding it with confidence.
Let’s take another example,
Look at the newborn baby, when he starts walking with the support of his Father or Mother. While walking he fell many of times but when he learned it. He walks but runs without any hesitation.
Likewise, Content Writing is, in the beginning, we may feel I am not good at writing. But as you start WRITING you will become good at it.
No one is a born expert. The expert in everything was once a Beginner.
So, to become an expert or master you need to START NOW.
So, start writing now itself.
Consume Quality Content
The other important thing to consider to become a Good Content Writer is, that you have to become a Good Content Consumer. You have to read a lot. Read good authors in your NICHE. Read good blogs on your NICHE, or on your topic.
So, consuming good content is very important to becoming a Good Content Writer.
The 9 Best Practices for Good Content Writing
1. Content Outline:
Creating an Outline for your Content is the GREAT first step for writing the Content.
Outlining the headings or subheadings of your content will help you in brainstorming the ideas. It also helps you to write down your thoughts in an organized way, and you will have the blueprint of your Content. So now you can create your Content.
2. Solve a Problem or Answer a Query
The next important is you should create your Content for your audience. The Topic on which you are writing your Content, should either solve the problem or answer the query. Just don’t write Junk Content, with no beginning and no end.
3. Easy to Understand:
Your content should be easy to read and understand. Don’t use difficult words or passive sentences while writing your content.
Look, your audience will be normal people NOT YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER. So, the easier to read and understand your Content will be, the more RANK it will get on GOOGLE.
4. Use Images:
Adding images to your Content will boost its Google ranking. As adding images will be
- Visually Appealing
- Shared more on Social Media
- Boosting SEO
Images in the content will be visually appealing, you only do experiments, and the content with Images will attract more attention when compared to the Content without Images.
So, don’t forget to use good images in your Content.
5. SEO Optimize Content:
While solving the problem of the user, your content should be optimised with the search engines too. The on-page SEO and the off-page SEO should be done so that your content rank on Search Engines. (Read All about SEO)
6. Why is this content important to your reader?
Think about your reader, why this content is important to your reader? Why the reader should read your content? So, your content should have hooks, and quality content so that the reader should read it.
7. Incorporate original quotes:
There is a quote in the Arabic language “لكل فن رجال” which means “Every Art has its men”. So, how much great you are in your field, if you incorporate the quotes of the experts of the field in your Content, it creates value for the reader. So, you should try to incorporate original quotes.
8. Full Value in each sentence:
Each and every sentence should have value for your readers. So, try to give value to your readers in each sentence. Everyone is busy nowadays, a good content writer gives value to his reader in every sentence.
9. Edit, Edit and Edit:
It is said that:
Good Content Writing is impossible without good Content Editing.

After completing your Content, take a break, and then when you are fresh go through your content and start reading it. At this time, you can edit it, restructure it, and correct some of the grammatical mistakes.
So, Editing the content makes it perfect for you as well as for your reader. So, before publishing your content Edit it.
Careers in Content Writing in India?
The main thing everyone wants to know is “Career in Content Writing?”
To answer this question, you have to just do a task. Check your email inbox, and check your notification panel. You will be getting notifications via email or just a notification from the app which you are using.
All these are the works of Content Writers. Whether it is Zomato or Uber everyone needs content Writers (or Copywriters) to have engagement with their customers.
While raining you will get a notification from Uber or Ola, to enjoy travelling in a car. Or you will get an email or notification from Zomato to have good meals while sitting at home.
All these things are the jobs of Content Writers.
So, in Digital India, there is a high demand for Content Writers for all businesses. Just you need to have the right skills in you.
Content Writing Jobs in India
If you are interested in Content Writing Jobs in India then read on…
At the time of writing this Content, the number of jobs for Content Writer in India is

3704 in Naukri.Com and 1219 Jobs listed on LinkedIn. So, you can have your Career as a Content Writer in a company and do a job, or you can be a Freelance Content Writer and earn passive income.

How much do content writers get paid in India?
According to Economic Times, the average Salary of experienced Content Writers in India is around Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 25,000/-
For Beginners, the average Content Writer Salary is around Rs. 8,000/- to Rs. 10,000 per month.
If you see Naukri.Com for Content Writers then It has Salary filters for Content Writers which start from 0-3 lakhs per annum to 75-100 lakhs.
Your Salary will be based on the value you create for your client and customer.
So, Content Writing is a good career to start for those who enjoy writing and researching.
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