I started working as Digital Marketing Head in a Company. The online presence of the Company is not so Good.
As I am an SEO expert, we first Focused on Our Website’s On-Page SEO. In my other case study, I will discuss the issues our company website faces.
Simultaneously, we focused on Social Media for our Company branding and growth. We post on Social Media at regular intervals.
Before my joining, most of the posts on our Social Media handles were promotional posts.
Posting Informational Posts on Social Media
I explained the importance of Informational posts. So, we started posting informational posts on our Social Media Handles.
I have done market research and found our Customer Avatar.
After knowing the Buyer Persona, we posted Images & Reels on Social Media Handles. We focused on what our Customer is searching.
Impact of Our Instagram Reel on our SEO
One fine day, we posted a Reel on our Instagram handle. And that reel started reaching our Potential Customers. Our Instagram profile has 5K + followers till now. And that Reel got more than 2 Million views.

We get 100s of messages on Instagram daily and 100s of Calls daily.
Our company faces this condition for the first time in its 30 years of History.
Now you may ask me what is the positive impact of this Instagram reel on our SEO performance.
Increase Average CTR:
Our average CTR increased from 1.5 % to 8.4%. This compares 10 days before and after the reel posted on Instagram.

Increase in Brand Keywords Search:
After the Instagram reel, there was a huge search on Google With our Company Brand Keyword. More than 300 people searched our business name in a week, which is more than 200 compared to normal days.

Increase in Clicks:
We got 183 clicks from Google Search after the reel was posted. While before posting the reel we got only 21 Clicks. That is we got 162 more clicks.
Increase in Website Visits:
We got 297 visits to our website in the month in which the reel was posted. While the month before we got only 10 visits from social media.

Similarly, we got 216 visits from Organic Search in the reel posted. While we only got 66 clicks in the previous month.
Increase in Inbound Leads
We focus on Cold Calling and Social Media to generate leads. But after our Instagram reel, we got 100s of inbound warm leads waiting for conversion.
Our Sales team is busy answering calls and WhatsApp messages. And they are busy replying to Instagram messages and comments. This is the first time I saw them so much busy.
So, don’t ignore the power of Social Media. You won’t know from which platform you can generate Leads and Business.
So, while doing SEO one should post regular content on Social Media.